Tuesday, February 24, 2009

sorry, space.

ok, so some space things are pretty cool.

Science at the Museum: Exploration and Discovery

"The AMNH was established in 1869 in a world very different from today's.  Even by the late 19th century, we did not have a firm knowledge of many of Earth's land regions and oceans, the diversity of cultures outside of western societies, and the essential history and organization of life on earth....

making plant models

Katya was asking about the "realness" of the diorama plants--turns out they are replicas modeled after native plants.


fieldnotes, pictures, thoughts, discussions!!!

Mammals and Birds

interesting photos and background about the first dioramas....

exploring AMNH.org is a great thing to do--there is a ton of archival material, photos and documents from expeditions, and a digital gallery of artifacts and objects.